Pentecost comes from the Greek pentekoste and refers to the number 50, according to the BBC. Or, more specifically, the 50th day after Easter or Resurrection Sunday. Some believers also refer to it as Whitsun, not to be confused with the British bank holiday of the same name. What happened during the first Pentecost that's still commemorated today?
It's the day when a small band of Jesus' followers spontaneously began speaking in various foreign languages, according to Britannica. It's important to note that these diverse languages were unknown to the apostles, making the event supernatural. What's more, the Book of Acts describes a "violent wind" preceding the events and "tongues of fire" that came to rest on each of the disciples.
The Book of Acts records, "There were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken" (via Bible Gateway). The crowds marveled at this because the speakers were uneducated, rural Galileans. But others accused them of being drunk. The Apostle Peter defended them, preaching the Gospel message to the large crowd. By the end of the day, more than 3,000 people joined the church.