Once you have the license, you’ll be able to acquire accent walls from various stores, random gifts, and perhaps some secret vendors that haven’t been discovered yet. The point is that these items are identified as “walls” rather than “wallpaper,” so be sure to keep an eye out for that distinction if you’re looking for your new options.
After acquiring an accent wall, you’ll be able to place it in your home by opening the “room editor” feature and then selecting the “wall” layer. Select the accent wall item that is hopefully in your pocket and choose the “set accent wall” option if you want to place it in that room. It’s actually possible to put wallpaper over an accent wall, so the decoration options this new feature allows for are quite…overwhelming.
Your new license also lets you hang certain items from your ceilings, which is fortunately just as easy as setting an accent wall. You’ll first need to acquire a hanging item (which can again be acquired from all the usual places) and then open the room editor feature while you’re in your home. From there, you just need to select the ceiling layer and then choose to place whatever hanging items may be in your inventory.
We haven’t discovered any other uses for the pro decorating license beyond those two new interior design options, but if it turns out that this new item is somehow even more valuable than it initially seems, we will be sure to let you know.